Maarten Janssen






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Janssen, Maarten (2018). TEITOK as a tool for Dependency Grammar. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, vol. 61: 185-188.
Janssen, Maarten (2018). Dependency Graphs and TEITOK: Exploiting Dependency Parsing. In: Villavicencio, Alina (eds.) Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language. PROPOR 2018, Cham: Springer.
Janssen, Maarten (2018). Adding Words to Manuscripts: From PagesXML to TEITOK. In: Méndez E., Crestani F., Ribeiro C., David G., Lopes J. (eds.) Digital Libraries for Open Knowledge. TPDL 2018, Cham: Springer.
Janssen, Maarten; and Ferreira, José Peddro (2018). Technical Implementation of the Vocabulário Ortográfico Comum da Língua Portuguesa. In: Villavicencio, Alina (eds.) Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language. PROPOR 2018, Cham: Springer.
Janssen, Maarten; Kuhn, Tanara Zingano; Ferreira, José Pedro; and Correia, Margarita (2018). The CPLP Corpus: A Pluricentric Corpus for the Common Portuguese Spelling Dictionary (VOC). In: ELX2018: Euralex 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Janssen, Maarten (2018). TEITOK: TEI for corpus linguistics. Presented at PROPOR 2018, September 2018, Canela, Brasil.
Janssen, Maarten; and Rosen, Alexandr (2018). Different ways of tagging errors in learner corpora. Presented at Grammar and Corpora, November 2018, Paris, France.
Volodina, Elena ; Janssen, Maarten ; Tiedemann, Therese Lindström ; Preradovic, Nives Mikelic ; Ragnhildstveit, SiljeKarin; Tenfjord, Kari; and Smedt, Koenraad de (2018). Interoperability of Second Language Resources and Tools. Presented at CLARIN Annual Conference 2018, October 2018, Pisa, Italy.
Kuhn, Tanara Zingano; Ferreira, José Pedro; Janssen, Maarten; and Correia, Margarita (2018). Dando corpo às diversas vozes do português: o projeto corpus CPLP. Presented at II International Symposium on Teaching Portuguese as an Additional Language, June 2018, London, England.
Janssen, Maarten ; and Ferreira, José Pedro (2018). Integrando dicionários integrais. Presented at VIII Congreso Internacional de Lexicografía Hispánica, June 2018, Valencia, Spain.
Janssen, Maarten; Ausensi, Josep; and Fontana, Josep M. (2017). Improving POS Tagging in Old Spanish Using TEITOK. In: Proceedings of the NoDaLiDa 2017 Workshop on Processing Historical Language, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Janssen, Maarten (2017). TEITOK - using an XML based framework for learner corpora. Presented at Presented at Workshop on Interoperability of Second Language Resources and Tools, December 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Janssen, Maarten; and Vaamonde, Gael (2017). From traditional historical corpora to TEI-based corpora. Benefits and challenges in joining digital edition and corpus annotation. Presented at Calen barbas, falen cartas. A escrita en galego na Idade Moderna, , Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Kuhn, Tanara; Janssen, Maarten; Ferreira, José Pedro; Iztok, Kosem; and Correia, Margarita (2016). Dealing with multiple orthographic standards within a single corpus: the case of Portuguese in the CoPEP corpus. In: , Grenoble, France.
Janssen, Maarten (2017). Combining language and linguistic information without compromise. In: , Saarbrücken, Germany.
Janssen, Maarten (2016). POS Tagging and Less Resources Languages Individuated Features in CorpusWiki. In: Vetulani Z., Uszkoreit H., Kubis M. (eds.) Human Language Technology. Challenges for Computer Science and Linguistics. LTC 2013., : Springer, Cham.
Janssen, Maarten (2016). TEITOK: Text-faithful annotated corpora. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Portorož, Slovenia.
Gato, Margarida Vale de; Janssen, Maarten; Barros, Rita Queiroz de; and Valdez, Susana (2016). Teaching and researching literary translation in the digital context: PEnPAL in trans as a case-study. MATLIT: Materialidades da Literatura, vol. 4: 63-80.
Mendes, Amalia; Antunes, Sandra; Janssen, Maarten; and Gonçalves, A. (2016). The COPLE2 corpus: A learner corpus for Portuguese. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Portorož, Slovenia.
Río, Iria del; Antunes, Sandra; Mendes, Amália; and Janssen, Maarten (2016). Towards error annotation in a learner corpus of Portuguese. In: 5th NLP4CALL and 1st NLP4LA workshop in Sixth Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC), Umeå University, Sweden.
Gato, Margarida Vale de; Janssen, Maarten; and Barros, Rita Queiroz de (2015). A Structured Database of Translation Problems. Presented at Congresso de Humanidades Digitais em Portugal, October 2015, Lisboa, Portugal.
Janssen, Maarten (2015). Multi-level manuscript transcription: TEITOK. Presented at Congresso de Humanidades Digitais em Portugal, October 2015, Lisboa, Portugal.
Janssen, Maarten (2015). TEITOK. Presented at Symposium Jozef Stefan Institutute, September 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Amália Mendes, Sandra Antunes, Nélia Alexandre, António Avelar, Adelina Castelo, Inês Duarte, Maria João Freitas, Anabela Gonçalves, José Pascoal, Jorge Pinto, Maarten Janssen (2014). Corpus de Português Língua Estrangeira / Língua Segunda - COPLE2. Presented at XXX Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, October 2014, .
Janssen, Maarten (2014). Half and other unique words: Corpus patterns and lexicalist syntax. In: Word Classes: Nature, typology and representations, .
Janssen, Maarten (2013). Inline Contraction Decomposition: Language Independent POS Tagging in the CorpusWiki project. Presented at 10th Tbilisi Symposium, September 2013, Gadauri, Georgia.
Janssen, Maarten (2012). Lexical Gaps. In: The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, .
Janssen, Maarten (2012). A database of Russian verbal aspect. Oslo Studies in Language, vol. 4: 117-140.
Janssen, Maarten (2012). NeoTag: A POS tagger for grammatical neologism detection. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2012, Istambul, Turkey.
Ashby, S.; Barbosa, S.; Brandão, S.; Ferreira, J.P.; Janssen, M.; Silva, C.; and Viaro, M.E. (2012). A rule based pronunciation generator and regional accent databank for portuguese. In: 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association 2012, INTERSPEECH 2012, .
Ferreira, J.P.; Janssen, M.; De Almeida, G.B.; Correia, M.; and De Oliveira, G.M. (2012). The common orthographic vocabulary of the Portuguese language a set of open lexical resources for a pluricentric language. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2012, Istambul, Turkey.
Janssen, Maarten; and Santos, Fabiola (2011). Bootstrapping a broad phonetic transcription from an orthographic transcription. Presented at Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia 2011, June 2011, Tarragona, Spain.
Janssen, Maarten (2011). Computer-Aided Inflection for Lexicography Controlled Lexica. In: Proceedings of eLex 2011, .
Janssen, Maarten (2011). Detección Semi-Automática de Neologismos Gramaticales. Presented at II Congreso internacional de neología en las lenguas románicas, December 2011, São Paulo, Brazil.
Nazar, R.; and Janssen, M. (2010). Combining resources: Taxonomy extraction from multiple dictionaries. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2010, .
Janssen, Maarten (2010). Inflection and Word Identity. In: Proceedings of the XIV Euralex International Congress, Leeuwarden, Netherlands.
Moita, Mara; Correia, Margarita; and Janssen, Maarten (2009). A modificação de nomes eventivos para a selecção dos adjectivos-base de advérbios em -mente. Presented at XXV Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, , Lisboa, Portugal.
Janssen, Maarten (2009). Detección de Neologismos: una perspectiva computacional. Debate Terminológico, vol. 5: 68-75.
Janssen, Maarten (2009). Lexical Functions vs. Inflectional Functions. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Meaning-Text Theory, Montréal, Canada.
Janssen, Maarten (2008). Affix Selection and Deadjectival Nouns: a data-driven approach. In: Humphries; and Gomola (eds.) Enlish Language, Literature, and Culture: New directions in research, Bielo-Bialska, Poland: .
Janssen, Maarten (2008). Meaningless Dictionaries. In: Proceedings of EURALEX 2008, Barcelona, Spain.
Barbosa, Sílvia; Ferreira, José Pedro; and Janssen, Maarten (2008). MorDebe-Admin: A Lexicon Management System. In: Proceedings of EURALEX 2008, Barcelona, Spain.
Janssen, Maarten (2008). NeoTrack: Une analyseur de néologismes en ligne. In: Proceedings of CINEO 2008, Barcelona, Spain.
Janssen, Maarten; Ferreira, José Pedro; Barbosa, Sílvia; Arim, Eva; Moita, Mara; and Carvalho, Nuno (2008). Ortografia em Mudança: Vocabulário, as palavras que mudam com o Acordo Ortográfico. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho.
Janssen, M.; and Freitas, T. (2008). Spock - A spoken corpus client. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2008, .
Janssen, Maarten; and Borik, Olga (2008). The Nature of Termination: the case of the Romance Simple Past. Presented at Paper presented at Chronos 8, , Austin, USA.
Freitas, Tiago; and Janssen, Maarten (2007). Adaptation Strategies for English Loan Words in European Portuguese. Presented at Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia 2007, , Braga, Portugal.
Janssen, Maarten; and Barbosa, Sílvia (2007). Dicionário de Estrangeirismos: Métodos de adaptação em Português Europeu. In: Actas da APL 2007, Évora, Portugal.
Janssen, Maarten; and Ferreira, José Pedro (2007). Nomes Deverbais Eventivos: construção de um novo dicionário. Presented at XXIII Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, October 2007, Évora, Portugal.
Janssen, Maarten (2007). Portal da Língua Portuguesa. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, vol. 39: .
Janssen, Maarten (2006). NEOTRACK: una eina flexible de selecció i detecció automàtica de neologismes basada en criteris de neologicitat. Presented at III Seminario de Neología, June 2006, Barcelona, Spain.
Janssen, Maarten (2006). Orthographic Variation in Lexical Databases. In: Proceedings of EURALEX 2006, Turin, Italy.
Janssen, Maarten (2005). Between Inflection and Derivation: paradigmatic lexical functions in morphological databases. In: (eds.) East-West Encounter: 2nd International Conference on Meaning-Text Theory, Moscow, Russia: .
Janssen, Maarten (2005). Lexical vs. Dictionary Databases Design Choices of the MorDebe System. In: Papers in Computational Lexicography (COMPLEX 2005), .
Janssen, Maarten; and Viana, Carla (2005). MorDebe - uma base de dados morfológica. Presented at XXI Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística (APL), August 2005, Porto, Portugal.
Janssen, Maarten (2005). NeoTrack: semi-automatic neologism detection. Presented at XXI Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística (APL), August 2005, Porto, Portugal.
Janssen, Maarten (2005). Open Source Lexical Information Network. In: 3rd International Workshop on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon, Geneva, Switserland.
Janssen, Maarten; and Campenhoudt, Marc Van (2005). Terminologie traductive et représentation des connaissances : l'usage des relations hyponymiques. Langages, vol. 157: 63.
Janssen, Maarten (2004). Definitional Attributes and Practical Usability. International Journal of Lexicography, vol. 17: 189-194.
Janssen, Maarten (2004). Multilingual Lexical Databases, Lexical Gaps, and SIMuLLDA. International Journal of Lexicography, vol. 17: 136-154.
Janssen, Maarten; and Visser, Albert (2004). Some Words on Word. La Nuova Critica, vol. : .
Janssen, Maarten (2003). Lexical Translation and Conceptual Hierarchies. In: Proceedings of the 5th international Symposium on Language, Logic, and Computation, Tbilisi, Georgia.
Janssen, Maarten (2003). SIMuLLDA - une base de donnée multilangue. Presented at ERSS Seminar, February 2003, Toulouse, France.
Janssen, Maarten; Jansen, Frank; and Verkuyl, Henk (2003). The Codification of Usage by Labels. In: Sterkenburg, van (eds.) A Practical Guide to Lexicography, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Janssen, Maarten (2002). Differentiae Specificae in EuroWordNet and SIMuLLDA. In: Proceedings of ONTOLEX 2002, .
Janssen, Maarten (2002). Sticking to Shallow Lexicons. Presented at Constructing Lexica Workshop, September 2002, Leiden, the Netherlands.
Janssen, Maarten (2001). Bilingual Dictionaries and Lexical Gaps. In: Proceedings of COMPLEX 2001, Birmingham, UK.
Janssen, Maarten (1999). A Multilingual Lexical Database using a Structured Interlingua. In: 3rd International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic, and Information, Batumi, Georgia.
Janssen, Maarten (1999). Differences between Dictionaries. Presented at 10th Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN 1999), December 1999, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Janssen, Maarten (1998). Nominal Anaphora and Taxonomy. In: Proceedings of DAARC2, Lancaster, UK.

71 publications